Hi, I’m a free person! Now that I’ve written an article about my condition and current situation, I’m going to introduce some of the video works I’ve watched that were impressive and interesting to me. It would be too long to introduce everything at once, so I will divide it into five parts. The last is a Netflix works.
Netflix productions are videos marked with an “N”.


優秀な忍びとしての生活を捨ててから数年。 家族の団結を失ってしまった一家は、平和を脅かす大きな危機に立ち向かうため、再び影の任務を引き受けることになる。
It has been several years since they left their lives as excellent ninja. Having lost the unity of their family, they once again undertake a shadowy mission to confront a great crisis that threatens the peace.

The movie is thoroughly set up as a ninja, and since ninjutsu is not used very often, there are few clearly CG images. Each episode ends at a good point, making the viewer curious about the rest of the story.
I can’t write the dialogue because there is no dialogue in the scene that I have an impression of.

お笑い芸人・千鳥の大悟が主演を務めるシリアスなドラマを軸にしたバラエティ番組。 ドラマの最中で芸人たちがお題をだされ、それに沿ったエピソードトークを始めていく。
A variety show centered around a serious drama starring comedians. During the drama, the comedians are given a theme and begin to talk about episodes according to the theme.

The talk that takes place in the setting of the drama is interesting. It’s interesting to hear the back stories of the comedians who appear in the drama.
“I got photographed, by Shukan Bunshun news magazine.”
※Bunshun is a scandal magazine
サンクチュアリ 聖域

The protagonist, who grew up in a poor and disintegrated family and led a rough life, was scouted as a rikishi by the Ensho oyakata, and jumped into the sumo world for money.

※There are some shocking scenes.
I personally had no interest in sumo, but it was talked about as interesting on X (formerly Twitter) and I had time, so I decided to watch it.
It is interesting to see the main character’s sly but gutsy and somewhat lovable personality as he overcomes numerous trials.
“Teach me how I can be better, Please I beg you!”

In a suffocating world where corporations rule the world and the weak without money are trampled underfoot, those who struggle to rise to the top, even at the cost of paying the price, turn their bodies into machines, jump into deadly situations, use others, and sometimes even the corpses of their friends as footholds to move forward.

Seeing the main character’s desperate defiance made me hot to watch. The world view and background music are good.
“Why should you work to achieve her dream?”

The protagonist emigrated to France from Senegal with his father. The father worked as a driver for the Peregrini family, a wealthy family, but one day he is imprisoned for stealing the Peregrini family’s treasures. Although my father protested his innocence, he died in prison. Twenty-five years later, the hero learns that the missing treasure has been found and returned to the Pellegrini family and will be exhibited in the Louvre, and he decides to take revenge on the Pellegrini family.

The tactics are clever and smart. The story is interesting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It will deceive the viewer as well.
“Arsene Lupin isn’t just a book. He’s my heritage, my method, my path. I am Lupin,”
悪霊狩猟団 カウンターズ

昼は知る人ぞ知る人気店「姉貴麺屋」の従業員、夜は悪霊と戦う特別な力を与えられた「カウンター」と呼ばれる人たちの活躍を描く。 幼いころに両親を事故で亡くした高校生のソ・ムンは、カウンターの一員となり、強い力を持つ悪霊と戦うことになる。
The film depicts the activities of people called “counters,” who are employees of the popular restaurant “Sister Menya” by day and are given special powers to fight evil spirits at night. Seo Moon, a high school student whose parents died in an accident when he was young, becomes a member of the Counter and fights against evil spirits with strong powers.

It is interesting to see an ordinary student grow up with a special power. Good balance between comedic elements and serious scenes.
“I don’t want…anyone to die from this moment on.”

アメリカの小さな町ホーキンスを舞台に、少年ウィルの失踪事件を巡り、家族や友人、地元警察が不可解な事件に巻き込まれていく。 ウィルを探す親友のマイク、ダスティン、ルーカスの3人は、謎の少女「11(イレブン)」と出会う。 平和を取り戻したはずの町や人々に“裏側の世界”の脅威が迫る。
Set in the small American town of Hawkins, Will’s disappearance leads his family, friends, and the local police into a series of unexplained incidents. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, best friends searching for Will, meet a mysterious girl named “11”. The threat of “the world behind the scenes” looms over the town and its people, who thought they had restored peace.

※There are grotesque scenes.
You think it’s just an ordinary thing, but then you get caught up in something extraordinary. It’s epic, and the background music and visuals are a great match.
“Oh, my God.”

A gang of robbers takes 67 hostages and holed up in a Madrid mint, planning the perfect escape with 2.4 billion euros, but the robbers are pushed to the edge of a cliff. The film depicts the mastermind, known as “The Professor,” and his band of eight robbers as they attempt the biggest bank robbery in Spanish history.

I wondered what would happen each time I saw the movie, and the cast was very good, each with their own personality. The songs were also good.
By the way, if you want to watch it, I recommend you to watch it with subtitles. I think the images and the Spanish language match each other quite well, which makes it more realistic.
“We’re the resistance, right?”

高校を退学になったウェンズデー・アダムスは、両親がかつて通っていた「異常な才能を持つ子どもたち」を育成しているネヴァーモア学園に入学。 自分の超能力を充分にコントロールできず、同級生に溶け込めないウェンズデーは謎のモンスターによる殺人事件を目撃し、調査することを決意する。
After being expelled from high school, Wensday Adams enrolls in Nevermore Academy, where his parents once attended and where “unusually gifted children” are trained. Unable to fully control her psychic abilities and unable to fit in with her classmates, Wensday witnesses a murder by a mysterious monster and decides to investigate.

The main character has a very unique personality, and while he may be serious about what he is doing, it is interesting to watch. The story is interesting, but the character of the main character is so strong that the viewer’s attention is drawn to her. lol
“The only person who gets to torture my brother is me.”

The film depicts Park Saeroyi, a middle school graduate and ex-convict with no money, education, or connections, who struggles with his friends to succeed in the restaurant industry. The film also focuses on his revenge against “Changa,” a major restaurant company.

The attack and defense between the main character and Changa was intense. I fell in love with the brilliant storyline. The theme song and insert songs are suited to each scene, which makes it even more interesting.
“It’s you, right?”

Lucifer, tired of ruling hell and vacationing on earth, teams up with LA Police Homicide Detective Chloe to solve the case.

The story is about half comical and half serious, which is just right. The main character’s rough-around-the-edges personality adds a nice touch.
“Tell me, what do you desire more than anything else in this life?”
The “” in the speech bubble is an impressive line.
I have a great deal of personal fondness for the following video works.

お金に困り崖っぷちに立たされる人々の元に、謎のゲームへの招待状が届く。 年齢・職業もバラバラな456人の参加者は、悲惨な現状から抜け出すべく、賞金456億ウォンを目指し、子供の頃に遊んだゲームを想起させる“命懸けのサバイバルゲーム”に挑むことに。
People who are on the brink of financial ruin receive invitations to participate in a mysterious game. The 456 participants, who are of different ages and occupations, are challenged to play a “game of survival for their lives,” reminiscent of the games they used to play as children, in order to win 45.6 billion won in order to escape from their miserable situation.
※There are grotesque scenes.
Sweet Homeー俺と世界の絶望ー

残忍な怪物に姿を変えた人間たちが暴走し、地獄と化した街。 辛い過去をもつ高校生、そして同じ建物の住人たちは、生死をかけた戦いに否応なく巻き込まれていく。
A town turned into hell as humans transformed into brutal monsters run amok. A high school student with a painful past and the residents of the same building are inevitably caught up in a life-and-death struggle.
※There are grotesque scenes.

A disintegrating family seeks salvation in the form of a pseudo-family with a player they meet in an online game, but soon the events that take place in the game involve the real world as well, and things take an unexpected turn.

The concept is a battle against God for the survival of mankind, a reversal battle that is supposed to bring God down to earth.

新しいテクノロジーがもたらす予期せぬ社会変化を描く、ダークで風刺的なSFアンソロジー。 エピソードは1話完結の作品で、通常は異なる現代や近未来が舞台。
A dark and satirical science fiction anthology about unexpected social changes brought about by new technologies. Episodes are one-off pieces, usually set in a different present or near future.

This dark horror movie begins with a supernatural event in which a human being who has received a notice from an angel that he or she is going to hell is burned to death by an “emissary of hell”.
※There are grotesque scenes.

現実世界に戻るために「今際の国」の謎を追う物語。 友人や敵、そしてゲームの首謀者に出会い、謎を解き明かす鍵と思われる場所を探します。 全てのカードが集まると、現実世界に戻ることができるのか、その真実を追求します。
The story follows the mystery of the Land of Imawa in order to return to the real world. You will meet friends, enemies, and the mastermind of the game, and search for locations that seem to be the key to unlocking the mystery. When all the cards are collected, they pursue the truth about how they can return to the real world.

ドイツの小さな町で起こった子供の失踪事件をきっかけに、ほころび始める4家族の絆と暴かれる暗い秘密。 3世代にわたる奇怪な謎の真相が明らかになる。
The disappearance of a child in a small town in Germany triggers the fraying of four families’ bonds and the unraveling of dark secrets. The truth of a bizarre mystery spanning three generations is revealed.

数々の番組でMCを務めてきた有吉が、アーティストやスポーツ選手など10組の個性豊かなゲストがMCを務める10本のバラエティ番組にアシスタントとして参加。 ベテランから若手まで総勢52名の芸人たちが、十人十色のMC企画にチャレンジしながら、突如降りかかる有吉のアシストを全身全霊で打ち返す予測不能なバラエティ。
Ten groups of unique guests, including artists and athletes, serve as MCs, and famous Japanese MC join the variety show as assistants. A total of 52 comedians, ranging from veterans to young talents, will challenge various MC projects.

長きにわたり、幽閉されていたドリーム(夢の王)ことモルフェウス。 ようやく自由の身となった彼は、奪われた物を見つけ出し、かつて自身が持っていた力を取り戻すべく世界を巡る旅に出る。
Morpheus, the Dream (King of Dreams), has been imprisoned for a long time. Now free at last, he sets out on a journey around the world to find what was taken from him and to regain the power he once possessed.

In an orphanage, a young girl develops an extraordinary talent for chess, and while suffering from addiction, she walks the path to a glamorous star she never imagined she would become.

Six hundred years ago, there were numerous demons that devoured humans. A pregnant woman in a group trying to cross a mountain pass committed suicide by hanging herself. The child was destined to be chased by Purgasar (unkillable).
Purgasar is a being that cannot be killed. It is a monster that drinks human blood, destroys human souls, and is said to kill anyone who sees it.
※There are grotesque scenes.
RUGAL ルーガル

テロ集団「アルゴス」によって目の前で妻が殺され、また自身も両目を失ってしまった刑事。 全てを失ったが、人工眼を移植することを条件にアルゴスの処断だけを目的とする警察の特集組織「ルーガル」に入らないかとの提案を受ける。
A detective whose wife was killed in front of him by the terrorist group “Argos” and who has also lost both of his eyes. Although he has lost everything, he receives a proposal to join “Rugal,” a special police organization whose sole purpose is to eliminate Argos, on the condition that he be implanted with an artificial eye.

A CIA operative who has obtained information about an organization’s corruption. A contractor who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal sends a group of assassins around the world with a bounty on his head.

Adam is a fighter pilot who crash lands in the world of 2022 from the future. He is on a mission, but a problem arises and he meets his 12-year-old self. The adult Adam cooperates with the child Adam and takes on a critical mission to save the future.

A Los Angeles-based vampire hunter who must raise money for his child’s tuition and braces within a week, he puts his life on the line for the job.
※There are grotesque scenes.
※The work I chose is just a personal point of view. Also, I’m not very interested in romance, so I haven’t introduced it.